The information contained here is a guide as to what our 2021-2022 school year will look like during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
*Please note that this is an ever-evolving situation and our policies will change as new guidance comes forth from the CDC, our Governor, and any other pertinent organizations.*
Q: What health and safety precautions will be in place for students and staff?
A: The health and safety of our students, families, and staff are of utmost importance. As such we will be implementing the following precautions:
Daily temperature checks of all students and staff entering the building.
If the temperature is 100.0°F or above, that individual will be sent home and asked not to return until they have had a temperature below 99°F for at least 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications.
Changing out high use toys between classes.
Sanitizing toys and classrooms beyond the stringent standards required by the state.
Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing.
We already have a very strict policy about sick children not being brought to school. This policy will continue to be applied this year.
Q: Will students and staff be required to wear face masks?
A: At this time we will not require staff, parents, or students to wear masks or other face coverings due to the age of our students. Students risk potentially touching their faces more and being more distracted by the masks. Masks can also cause students to be fearful of their teachers if they are new to preschool. Teachers and students may wear masks if they feel more comfortable doing so. In place of masks, all staff will be provided with face shields so that students can still see their teacher's faces.
Q: Are there any other measures that will be taken to help prevent possible contamination?
A: We are very concerned about ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all of our families. As such we will be:
Conducting Drop-off/Pick-up outside the classroom doors.
Q: What happens if there is a positive case of COVID-19 at Cactus Wren?
A: If a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 is identified at our school, we will do the following:
Immediately contact the Cochise County Health Department and follow the recommendations given at that time.
We will likely have to close the classroom that the case was in or possibly the entire school for a period of time to be determined by the health department officials. During such a closure we will perform a deep cleaning and sanitization of all surfaces in the school so students can return safely.
The affected student/staff member will be required to stay home for the quarantine period recommended by the Cochise County Health Department.
Q: What happens if there is a positive case of COVID-19 for a family member who is not currently enrolled at Cactus Wren?
A: If a family member living in the same house as a current Cactus Wren student/staff member gets COVID-19, we ask that the Cactus Wren student/staff member stay home according to the CDC/Cochise County quarantine guidelines based on vaccination status of the student.
Q: If the school closes, will tuition be refunded?
A: Tuition refunds for COVID-19 related school closures will be determined on a case by case basis. Tuition refund decisions will be carefully and thoughtfully considered and will depend on the length of the closure and other factors.
Q: If a student is required to quarantine at home, will tuition be refunded?
A: Tuition refund decisions will be made on a case by case basis. Proof of a positive COVID-19 test for the student or the family member will be required to be considered for a tuition refund.
Q: Will I lose my scholarship if I have to quarantine at home for 2 weeks?
A: If your absence from school is a direct result of COVID-19 health and safety precautions, you will not lose your scholarship. A positive COVID-19 test or other official documentation will be required to verify the absence is COVID-19 related.
The Board of Directors will continually monitor the COVID-19 situation and make policy decisions based on the current information available. As things change, parents can check our website or refer to their email. Our top priority is the health and safety of your children while they are in our care. Our Board of Directors and Staff are dedicated to making this school year amazing for our students and their families. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work diligently to implement safe policies and practices for the coming year. Together we can embrace a new normal that keeps us all healthy and safe.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding COVID-19 policies and procedures, please feel free to email cactuswrenpreschool@gmail.com.
Last Updated 7/13/2022