Register Your Student with Procare
Cactus Wren is excited to announce that we utilize Procare as our school management platform. Procare allows parents to communicate directly with teachers, make tuition payments, and much more. You must be invited through the school to create an account that is linked to your student. To access Procare once your student is enrolled, you will need to download the app on your mobile device or view the website from your desktop, laptop, iPad, or Android tablet.
Registration with Procare is not required prior to enrolling your student with Cactus Wren.
Download Now!
Getting the registration process started is simple. Utilize the button below to enter your child's basic information and your inquiry will automatically generate into the software. Once your registration request is received you will be contacted via the phone number and/or e-mail address you have provided.
General registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens on April 8, 2024. It is strongly suggested that you schedule a tour with your child or speak with Jacque, our Director, before enrolling your child online. Cactus Wren does allow for mid-year enrollments based on availability. We stop accepting new enrollments through the end of the current school year after Spring Break.
Completing online enrollment through Procare does not guarantee your student admission and a spot at Cactus Wren Preschool. Once you submit your application you will be contacted by the school to discuss current enrollment availability. Should you wish to proceed with your enrollment there is a non-refundable $50 Registration Fee to secure your space.
Please allow us up to 3 business days to process Online Enrollment requests and expect a phone call to connect with our school to ensure the class you selected on your registration form is the most appropriate fit for your child's age, development and experience. If it has been longer than 3 business days please reach out to our Director, Jacque Raftery at directorcactuswrenpreschool@gmail.com or by phone at (520) 459-3535 (Office) or (520) 222-9485 (Mobile).