You are the one who knows your child the best, so you are the key to our health program. We depend on the parents to notice early signs and symptoms of any illness.
These are some symptoms for which a child should be kept home or sent home from school. If a child has 2 or more of these symptoms, please keep your child home:
Runny nose
Rashes of any kind
Abdominal pain
Marked loss of appetite
Unusual irritability
Swollen glands
Sore throat
Inflamed or draining eyes
Please keep your child at home when they have signs of a cold. A number of more contagious childhood diseases begin with the same symptoms as a cold. Colds are most contagious when they start, so the County Health Department advises that a child with cold-like symptoms should be kept home until their temperature has been normal or their symptoms have subsided for twenty-four hours without medication that would artificially keep it down.
The same applies to adults who are scheduled to work at the school.
If a child arrives at school and appears to have any of the above symptoms, the teacher can send the child home. If the symptoms appear after school starts, the child will be isolated until the parents can be reached. If a parent is not available, a person listed on your Emergency Information Card will be called and the child will be sent home with them. Our teachers have the ultimate decision as to who is well enough to remain in the class. Children must be picked up within 30 minutes of being contacted by a school employee.